
Thermaflex Presenting at Plastic Pipes in Infrastructure 2020

PBPSA member Thermaflex will present at Session 3 of the forthcoming Plastic Pipes in Infrastructure 2020, 27-28 October 2020, at Hamburg Marriott Hotel, Hamburg, Germany. Plastic Pipes in Infrastructure 2020, will feature trends in the design, production, installation and operation of plastic piping systems.

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The two-day technical conference programme will feature presentations from leading industry professionals exploring a wide range of topics from advances in manufacturing and materials, innovations and developments in plastic piping systems, joints and welding with case studies provided throughout the agenda to offer real-life examples.

Thermaflex is an international manufacturer of energy efficient heating and cooling networks for buildings and district energy systems. The company is a leader in the development and production of smart, sustainable solutions for thermal distribution using state-of-the-art flexible pre-insulated piping systems made from Polybutene-1 for residential and public buildings, offices, hotels and industrial sites worldwide.

The Thermaflex Presentation

Subject:  Benefits of PB-1 for pressure piping systems - What does a higher SDR class mean in practice for District Heating?
Time:  11:20 on the second day of the event – Wednesday 28th October
Presenter:  Mr. Patrick Spijkers, General Manager, THERMAFLEX ISOLATIE BV

Key Learning Objectives | What does a higher SDR class mean in practice?

  • Get to know Polybutene-1 for use in pressurized hot and cold water pipe systems for major infrastructure projects
  • Learn about the extraordinary characteristics of this most technically advanced thermoplastic material
  • What are the benefits of using PB-1 in piping systems against alternative thermoplastic and other materials?
  • Opportunities to reduce the operational costs over the lifetime of a piping system

Conference Agenda and Booking Form | Download
