
PB-1 Presented at Kunststoffrohr Tagung 2019

PBPSA founding member LyondellBasell presented at the annual Plastic Pipe Conference 2019 (Kunststoffrohr-Tagung 2019) in Würzburg, Germany. The conference, The World of Plastic Pipes (June 25-26, 2019) was jointly conducted by SKZ (Institute for Plastics Technology) and RBV (Rohrleitungsbauverband – Pipeline Construction Association).

Werner Rothhöft, Application Development and Technical Service Engineer, delivered a presentation to the conference entitled Benefits of PB-1 for Pressure Piping Systems.

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PB-1 Presentation: Benefits of Polybutene for use in Pressure Piping Applications

The presentation discussed the use and benefits of Polybutene for use in pressure piping applications. Mr Rothhöft described how polybutene differs from other polyolefins and his discussion presented comparative pipe dimensions and the related benefits offered by PB-1 pipes when in operation, along with application examples.

Also, the presentation explained why PB-1 is regarded as the most technically advanced material for pressure piping systems with benefits including:

  • Substantial material saving opportunities, while at the same time increasing the capacity of the system.
  • Opportunities for reduced integral installation cost and cost in operation.
  • A versatile material significantly reducing the negative effects of water hammer, positively affecting the lifetime of the pipe system.
The higher the SDR Class the lower the water hammer at a given flow rate. PB-1 has the highest SDR Class compared to PP-H, PP-B, PE-RT and PEX.

Following the event, in communication with Mr. Rothhöft, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edgar Schicker of BEST Bayern UG commented "In today's mechanical engineering and process engineering education I see a major shortcoming in the area of materials knowledge. I will include the information you have kindly provided in my lecture "Apparate und Anlagen"; in particular the comparison of PE and Polybutene with regard to water hammer behaviour which I find very impressive.”

BEST Bayern UG 
Gesellschaft für Anlagensicherheit und Umweltschutz (Society for Plant Safety and Environmental Protection)
BEST Bayern website

Key Presentation Subjects

The LyondellBasell PB-1 presentation covered the following key subjects:

  • LyondellBasell at a glance
  • PB-1 pipe applications
  • What is PB-1 ?
  • Pipe dimensions and SDR Classes
  • What does a higher SDR-Class mean in practice? - Pipe dimensions
  • What does a higher SDR-Class mean in practice? - Water hammer
  • What does a higher SDR-Class mean in practice? - Sound dampening
  • Summary of PB-1 for pressure piping Systems
  • Real life PB-1 pipe application examples

Mr. Rothhöft's presentation to the Plastic Pipe Conference was also delivered earlier in April as a Webinar to interested parties worldwide and a video of that presentation with Patrick van Beek, Marketing Manager PB-1, is included below.

The presentation at both events offered the following key learning objectives:

  • Get to know Polybutene-1 for use in pressurized hot and cold water pipe systems
  • Learn about the extraordinary characteristics of this most technically advanced thermoplastic material
  • What are the benefits of using PB-1 in pipe systems against alternative thermoplastic materials
  • Opportunities to reduce the operational costs over the lifetime of a pipe system

Benefits of Polybutene for use in Pressure Piping Applications | PDF download

The World of Plastic Pipes

Kunststoffrohr-Tagung 2019 | Synopsis
The plastic pipe industry has undergone an extremely successful development since the middle of the last century. Today, the plastic pipe at a high level of quality in practically all applications introduced to the market - with high and growing acceptance. High-performance plastics, innovative products and systems as well as the excellent price/performance ratio for the user are trademarks of the industry. This is where the Symposium. As in the years before again current, interesting and practice-oriented Focus on topics. The conference programme reflects our motto: The world of plastic pipes. The topics are defined in such a way that when participating in the the overall programme also includes the extension in the sense of DVGW GW 331 is certified. The SKZ and RBV team is delighted, to welcome you in Würzburg!

Kunststoffrohr-Tagung 2019 | Program Download (German)

About SKZ

Since its foundation in 1961, SKZ's extensive activities have focused on the further training of engineers and specialists in the plastics industry. Every year, more than 10,000 participants attend the numerous training courses at 6 further education locations in Germany. A high practical part within the courses by use of the own Technika is thereby a central quality characteristic.

As an institute with over 410 member companies and around 420 employees at 6 locations in Germany, involved in a wide range of research and development activities, SKZ is a uniquely positioned training partner at your side who will enthusiastically accompany you in these challenges - very close and convenient.

SKZ website

About RBV Rohrleitungsbauverband e.V. (rbv)

The Pipeline Construction Association e.V. (rbv) has the purpose of promoting technology and science in pipeline construction and in network services for the water and waste water industry, energy supply and telecommunications. Since its foundation on 21 June 1950, rbv has represented the interests of its members - the contractors in the pipeline construction industry.

The cooperation in the relevant technical regulations, the representation of the technical interests opposite authorities and other institutions as well as the qualification of the members by training further measures of their coworkers belong to the work emphasis of the federation.

RBV website