
PB-1 Article in Gulf Construction

Underlining the high levels of construction currently occuring in the Middle East and interest in piping materials able to perform over long periods under challenging conditions, the influential magazine Gulf Construction included an article in its August 2019 edition entitled "Polybutene pipes can take the pressure."  PBPSA member Lyondellbasell is the global manufacturer of Polybutene-1 (known also as: Polybutylene and PB-1) and was interviewed by the magazine.

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Multinational chemical company and PBPSA founding member, Lyondellbasell is interviewed by the Gulf Construction magazine on the benefits of Polybutene-1 (PB-1) for pressure piping systems, including its exceptional strength and resistance to continuous stresses, even at elevated temperatures.

PB-1 is the material with the highest SDR class.

Piping Systems in buildings are like veins in our bodies — of vital importance and mostly invisible. They transport and distribute drinking water, collect wastewater, deliver energy for heating and cooling, cables and much more, providing high level comfort in residential and institutional buildings.

Polyolefin thermoplastic pipes have an excellent track record for more than 60 years and offer many advantages as opposed to pipes made from 'traditional' materials, including benefits such as long service life, light weight (allowing ease of handling and transportation), good chemical resistance to aggressive media and soils, corrosion resistance, excellent balance of stiffness and impact resistance, high creep strength, insusceptible to deposits and encrustations, low noise emission and can be joined using a wide range of techniques.

Article Summary

The use of PB-1 for pressure piping systems offers:

  • Substantial material saving opportunities, while increasing the capacity of the System ( see example: Royal Albert Hall in London)
  • Opportunities for reduced integral installation cost and cost in operation
  • A versatile material that significantly reduces the negative effects of water hammer while positively affecting the lifetime of the piping system.
  • LyondellBasell is one of the world's largest raw material suppliers for the manufacture of pressureless and pressurised thermoplastic pipes.

Gulf Construction magazine | Polubutene pipes can take the pressure

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